Tuesday 5 July 2011

New-fashioned Nokia Strapup Bracelet Phone

Nokia Strapup bracelet phoneNokia concept phones are really on a roll with the latest on the cards being the flexible, wearable Nokia Strapup phone. We saw Nokia Morph, an epitome of unsurpassed sophistication, thanks to the Nano technology and now it’s turn for Strapup, an innovative gadget. Nokia mobile phones at its best!
As you can see in the picture, it’s a wearable wristy phone that is far beyond the normal mobile phones. Nokia Strapup actually doesn’t call or type a message like other regular phones, in fact the device decodes your body movements; gestures into predefined text and transmits it to your friends automatically with any human interruption – now that’s something worth appreciating as it’s a-first-kind of a concept. So those who party hard find might this concept very fascinating one indeed!
Well, wait a minute Nokia is still in no frame of mind to bring Nokia Strapup Bracelet Phone to market anytime soon.

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